Drag and drop HEIC images here, or browse files
0 file(s) selected, unlimited files allowed
Your images are not uploaded to the web or distributed to third parties. You can rest assured that your private photos will always be kept private.
Single and multiple HEIC images allowed. Multiple HEIC files will be converted and packed into a single ZIP archive.
You can convert an unlimited number of HEIC images at once. But if you are converting too many files and are experiencing any problems or errors, try limiting their number. 100 would be a good starting point.
If you get "Download blocked" or "This site attempted to download multiple files automatically" message from your browser after clicking the "Convert" button several times, please either allow multiple files download from within your browser's settings, or just refresh webpage each time you're going to convert new image(s).
How to allow multiple downloads in Google Chrome: Go to Setting > Privacy and security > Site settings > View permissions and data stored across sites > heic.cc > Automatic downloads > Allow
HEIC.cc - free online HEIC image converter.
Convert multiple HEIC or HEIF images to JPEG, PNG, BMP and WEBM formats just in one click.
Convert an unlimited number of HEIC images at a time. You can convert and download your entire collection of HEIC or HEIF files to JPG and other formats in one go.
No internet connection required. Convert HEIC to JPG even when offline.
Your original HEIC files and converted images are not uploaded to any web servers and are guaranteed to be safe and private.
Get the maximum possible quality of converted images with HEIC.cc.
HEIC.cc is always available online. Convert your HEIC images on any platform and device for free. iOS, Android, Mac OS X, Windows and Linux are supported. You don't need to purchase, register, download and install any software.
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